Often parents share their concern regarding their teenager spending way too much time with their gadgets. While we know that an overuse of technology can have damaging effects, we sometimes struggle to guide our teens to cut down on their screen time. To be able to do this, it becomes important to understand the reasons why teens sometimes turn to an overuse of technology and end up having an excess of screen time.
We are living in times where the use of technology is unavoidable, and it might only increase with time. However, with some awareness of our behaviors, we can deal with excessive screen time to a great extent. It might seem overwhelming to decide what amount of screen time is too much or the right amount for our teens, but if the screen time starts interfering with their day-to-day life and routine, it is definitely a red flag. Some amount of screen time or mindless scrolling might seem harmless in the beginning, however, if we are not mindful enough, it can soon become a habit and start interfering with the activities we enjoyed previously.
A litmus test to identify if your teen in overly dependent on their gadgets would be by asking yourself a few questions- Is my teen spending time with their electronic devices at the expense of other activities, is my teen feeling agitated or angry when they are unable to spend time with their gadgets, is my teen spending increasingly more time with their gadgets and is it increasing day by day. If your answer to these three questions is yes, please do consider it as a red flag and start working on this challenge along with your teen. It may seem like an uphill task in the beginning, and you might even face a lot of resistance from your teen but with persistent efforts and patience, you can certainly begin to work together with them.
Begin with sharing your concern and having conversations about the excessive screen time with your teen. Help them understand the different ways in which the excess of screen time is impacting them. It might be interfering with their regular schoolwork, affecting their sleep and health, interpersonal relationships, ability to focus, mood swings, leading to social isolation. Share with them your observations in a calm and non-judgmental manner and most significantly do not blame them for getting into this habit. Once you have initiated this crucial conversation with your teen, you might observe some behavioral changes which might not be very pleasant, but if your teen knows that you support and understand him/ her, they are likely to be more open to bringing about the changes in their habits.
Work out rules together with your teen to gradually start reducing the screen time. Just remember to take one step at a time. Deciding the rules together with them is likely to keep them motivated. You may decide on creating tech free zones like the dining table at dinner time, study table during reading time. Gradually you can increase this time and have one night a week which can be a no technology time for everyone in the house. Also keep away all devices at least half an hour before bedtime. Screen time can also be made a privilege wherein you can decide upon a rule that your teen can turn on their laptop only after completing their homework. Be a good role model by limiting your own screen time. In order to help your teen to stay away from the screen, enable them to choose various options from non- screen activities like playing a board game or playing outdoors with friends, reading books, being creative and using their imagination for art and craft work, going for nature walks, pursuing a hobby like painting, music, baking, photography. The bottom line is to try and engage them in activities that do not involve technology.
While working on the screen time rules for your teens, make sure that as parents you are on the same page and agree to the rules that have been decided. The rules are likely to work better only if parents decide them together as a team along with their teenager. Explore different ways together to fill their free time with interesting activities which would not only keep them away from the screen but would also be enjoyable and entertaining for them. It is important to create digital boundaries to maintain our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. In spite of your consistent efforts, if you are unable to bring down the screen time for your teen and it is impacting their day-to-day life significantly, do seek professional help.